If your little ones have their Halloween costumes picked out and are practicing their “trick or treat” on your own front door, then you know you are doing something right as a parent. As one of the most magical holidays, Halloween is a great time for children and adults of all ages to get dressed up and enjoy their favorite sugary treats. However, although it might be considered a dream come true holiday for most, Halloween is considered to be nothing short of scary for dentists. With pillowcases full of sugary treats for little ones to indulge in, the chances of getting a cavity is suddenly a lot higher. To help keep your children happy and healthy this Halloween season, try to make sure they avoid the following sweet treats.
- Candy Apples
When you think of Halloween, one of the first things that likely comes to mind is candy apples covered in that thick red candy texture. And as delicious as these apples might be, they can wreak havoc on your children’s teeth. Instead of candy apples, offer your child a regular apple instead.
- Taffy
As one of the worst candies for your teeth, taffy is notorious for causing fillings to come loose and for actually being linked as the cause of cavities themselves. By getting this sticky candy trapped in between your teeth, they can cause tooth decay and erosion. Try to get your children to get rid of their taffy as soon as you get home from trick-or-treating— that way it won’t even be a temptation. Out of sight, out of mind.
- Carmel Apple Suckers
These delicious tasting lollipops, are known for resembling the taste of a carmel apple themselves. As an apple flavored sucker, dipped in a sticky caramel, this tasty treat can easily get caught in between your teeth and cause dental cavities and decay. If your child insists on having at least one of these suckers this season, make sure that they suck on the lollipop until the caramel comes off, rather than simply biting on the entire sucker itself. This will help to prevent the caramel from getting lodged in-between your teeth.
By avoiding these three treats this Halloween season, you can help protect your children against dental cavities and pain down the line.
To learn more about pediatric dental care, contact our office today!