Dental implants are a great option for individuals who have recently lost a tooth either due to dental care or some sort of accident. By surgically implanting a metal rod into your gum, the rod will act as your tooth’s natural root— leaving you with the ability to chew and speak as normal. However, did you know that there are many more benefits to getting dental implants? Read on to learn more.
They’re Permanent
Unlike dentures or even some dental crowns, as long as they are properly cared for, dental implants can last an entire lifetime. However, in order to ensure that your implants do last a lifetime, it’s important to follow the following regimen.
- Brush and floss twice a day
- Avoid chewing on things like like plastic or ice
- Visit Dr. Nazila Bidabadi twice a year for checkups
They’re Comfortable
Having a new and fake tooth implanted into your mouth might seem less than comfortable and ideal. However, you might be surprised to know that dental implants act and feel as your natural tooth— leaving you feeling as comfortable as ever. Although your mouth might be a bit swollen and sensitive right after the dental implant procedure, you will feel back to your normal self in no time.
They Match
Have you ever looked at somebody who has a gold tooth only to think, “I wish that looked more natural?” If you are looking for a more subtle and natural looking alternative to something like a gold tooth, dental implants will do just that. By matching your natural teeth’s shape and size, Dr. Nazila Bidabadi will be able to give you a dental implant that will naturally blend in with the rest of your mouth.
There are many benefits to getting dental implants and these are just a few. If you are interested in learning more about dental implants or if you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nazila Bidabadi, contact our office today!