Cosmetic Dentistry: The Key to a Stunning Smile

Your smile is likely one of the first things people notice about you. While no one is walking and actively casting judgment on others’ oral health, having a shiny white and well-aligned smile can do a lot for first impressions—and your own self-image. Plus, an improperly aligned set of teeth can also bring with it a variety of oral health issues which you’d rather not have to experience. As such, cosmetic dentistry has become standard in orthodontic care to ensure people of all ages.

But how exactly does cosmetic dentistry create stunning smiles? Well, here’s the answer:

Pristine Teeth Whitening

There are countless ways that the natural luster of your teeth can be diminished or stained, both temporarily and permanently. From poor oral hygiene and fluorosis to staining caused by a variety of lifestyle habits, the possibilities are vast but not insurmountable. With quality teeth-whitening cosmetic dentistry—both in-office and at home—your teeth could be eight shades whiter than you thought possible!

Comfortable Tooth Realignment

As mentioned above, the alignment of your teeth is more than just a cosmetic issue—and it’s also more than just a health and hygiene issue too. Tooth misalignment can also cause irritating oral discomfort in a variety of ways, from difficulties eating and speaking to an uncomfortable resting position when your mouth is closed. And that’s the beauty of cosmetic dentistry treatments like Invisalign: while gifting you with an aesthetically pleasing, well-aligned smile, it also helps to resolve plenty of other oral issues!

High-Quality Crown, Veneers, and More

However, if tooth alignment isn’t an issue you face, and teeth whitening isn’t the proper solution to your orthodontic troubles, there are other forms of cosmetic dentistry that could work for you. Whether you need a set of ultra-thin, porcelain-shell veneers to correct a handful of oddly shaped and discolored teeth, crowns to reestablish the integrity of a damaged tooth, or something else entirely, cosmetic dentistry could be the key to unlocking your dream smile.

All Available at Soft Touch Dentistry

If cosmetic dentistry is something you feel would improve your life, then Soft Touch Dentistry is just a call away at two convenient locations in Brighton (617.782.9250) and Newton, MA (617.332.8146).

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M-Th: 8:00am - 6:00pm
F: 8:00am - 2:00pm
Sat: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Open only one Saturday a month
Sun: Closed

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