Valentine’s Day is just around the corner which means that if you’re single, you’re off the hook, but if you are in a relationship, you have your work cut out. Not only is Valentine’s Day the perfect holiday to profess your love to the one closest to you, but it’s also the perfect time to be romantic. However, if you have a mouth full of crooked or missing teeth, bad breath, and chapped lips, the last thing you are likely to get is some romance. With the help of Dr. Nazila Bidabadi at Soft Touch Dentistry, however, you can increase your chances of having a sexy Valentine’s Day. Read on to learn more.
Crooked Teeth
There are two main ways that Dr. Nazila Bidabadi can help correct crooked teeth: orthodontics or dental veneers. Depending on your age, budget, and the time frame you are committed to, one option may be better than the other. For instance, if you are a business professional and are worried about the image of wearing braces to work, you may want to consider dental veneers. Although more expensive, dental veneers can correct your crooked smile in just a few days or less.
Missing Teeth
Nobody wants to lean in to kiss their significant other if they don’t have a full set of teeth. Luckily with dental implants, bridges, or dentures, Dr. Nazila Bidabadi can correct your smile and give you back a full set of teeth in virtually no time at all.
Bad Breath
If you still have bad breath after you brush and floss your teeth, you may be suffering from an underlying oral condition like gingivitis or chronic dry mouth. Luckily, each of these conditions can easily and quickly be treated by Dr. Nazila Bidabadi.
Chapped Lips
Your chapped lips are usually an indication that you aren’t drinking enough water and you are dehydrated. The more saliva your mouth has, the smoother your lips are going to be. Start drinking more water at least a week before Valentine’s Day to help heal your chapped lips.
Pucker up and get ready to kiss your Valentine with a kissable smile by getting some of the procedures done that are listed above. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact Dr. Nazila Bidabadi at Soft Touch Dentistry.