If you are having an important event coming up, a wedding, the job interview of your dreams, or your graduation, of course you want to look your best and feel your best on that day! If you want to look great in those pictures make sure that you include your teeth in your list of things to prepare for. Tooth whitening is the fastest way to make your face look radiant and it instantly takes away years from your face. This treatment is one of the most popular services that we offer here at Soft Touch Dentistry and our patients always come out of our doors happily flashing their pearly whites.
There are millions of home remedy kits available out there that promise to whiten your teeth overnight. But I always recommend that the procedures be done in our clinics. Just one visit can produce results that are 10 times whiter than your normal shade, unlike home remedies and over the counter kits that do not work as fast. This is because we can supervise the application of a stronger whitening agent that can work fast in whitening your teeth. Over the counter products do not contain the same whitening strength and you will not be able to get the same results when it is done in a dental clinic. We can also make sure that your gums are protected while the whole procedure is being done. When having this procedure done in-office, you can be assured that you will get the results that you want while your safety is guaranteed!
In case our patients do not have time to visit the office for the tooth whitening treatment, we can put together a home treatment kit that they can do in the comfort of their own homes.
Schedule an appointment today with Dr. Nazila Bidabadi to have your teeth whitened and go white for a brighter smile! Call us at 617-782-9250 for our Brighton office, or 617-332-8146 for our Newton office.