How Invisalign® Moves Your Teeth

Dental invisible braces or silicone trainer in the hands of a young smiling girl. Invisalign® is the leading alternative to braces, and it has many benefits over conventional orthodontic treatment. The greatest benefit of Invisalign is the ability to straighten your teeth and achieve a healthier bite without the need for invasive brackets or metal wires. Using clear aligner trays and possibly attachments, Invisalign shifts your smile into the optimal position using gentle, consistent pressure.

How Invisalign Moves Teeth

The method of Invisalign is similar to braces in that it uses consistent, gradual pressure to move teeth into the desired position. Doing so also causes the jaw to move into a healthier alignment.

Typically, teeth move about 0.25 to 0.33 millimeters with each tray. This is about one-hundredth of an inch. It may seem like an insignificant amount, but through gradual and consistent treatment, it can transform a patient’s smile.

Invisalign uses a specially designed material called SmartTrack™ to align patients’ teeth. SmartTrack is made from a multi-layered type of thermoplastic that gives your dentist greater precision when aligning your smile.

What To Expect From Invisalign Treatment

When you visit our practice, Dr. Nazila Bidabadi will examine your teeth and jaw to determine your candidacy for Invisalign. Once we take an impression of your mouth, we send it to the Invisalign labs and wait for your trays to arrive.

While Invisalign is painless, it is normal to experience some discomfort when you start wearing new aligners. The discomfort is natural and a normal part of treatment. It will subside as you grow accustomed to the trays and your teeth shift into a healthier position.

You will also need to perform chewing exercises with foam rollers or similar, small devices that will ensure your aligners fit snugly. It is important to ensure your teeth sit well in the trays to promote consistent movement.

Our team will walk you through the entire Invisalign treatment process step by step, from cleaning your trays to ensuring they fit properly. You will have a caring team at your side as you work toward a straighter smile.

Book Your Invisalign Consultation With Dr. Bidabadi

Dr. Bidabadi is the chief cosmetic dentist at Soft Touch Dentistry. As an expert in her field, she has served as a clinical instructor at the Harvard University School of Dental Medicine for over a decade.

Please contact our office in Brighton, MA (617-782-9250) or Newton, MA (617-332-8146). You can also contact us online.

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M-Th: 8:00am - 6:00pm
F: 8:00am - 2:00pm
Sat: 9:00am – 3:00pm
Open only one Saturday a month
Sun: Closed

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