Your wisdom teeth are the last teeth to come in, and that means they can cause problems in an already crowded mouth. But even if they aren’t causing you problems yet, your dentist may recommend their removal. Read on for more information about your wisdom teeth and what you can expect once they start to come in.
Why should I get my wisdom teeth removed?
You may not have any pain or problems from your wisdom teeth now, but they can cause problems later, and it is better to remove them before these problems arise. Wisdom teeth can grow in the wrong direction and cause damage to your other teeth – this is known as an “impacted” wisdom tooth. Wisdom teeth can also overcrowd your mouth, which can cause problems with your jaw and your bite and can make it more difficult to keep your teeth clean.
What is the procedure to remove wisdom teeth?
Your dentist may decide to use general anesthesia (completely unconscious) or local anesthesia (in which you are awake for the procedure but don’t feel pain). If your tooth is still beneath the gums, a small incision will be made so your dentist can remove it. Your tooth may have to be cut into several smaller pieces for it to be removed. If this is the case, the procedure will take more time than if the tooth is already through the gums. It can take anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour.
If self-dissolving stitches were used, they will dissolve within about 10 days. You may be given antibiotics after the procedure, and for the first day you’ll want to avoid strenuous exercise, smoking, alcohol, and hot liquids.
Many people have their wisdom teeth removed when they are still teenagers, but any age is the right time to have them removed if they are causing issues! If you think you may have wisdom teeth coming in, or if you are having any problems with your teeth, it may be time to call Soft Touch Dentistry for help! Contact the Brighton office at (617) 782-9250 or the Newton office at (617) 332-8146!