Keep those teeth healthy
Strong, healthy teeth and gums are the first step toward protecting teeth from damage. Make sure your children brush at least twice a day, floss once a day, and see the dentist twice a year. If your child complains of pain in the mouth or a problem with his or her teeth, make an appointment with the dentist right away.
Protect them with a mouthguard
If your child plays a sport such as soccer that may end up being high contact, a mouth guard is an important accessory for them to have – especially if they have braces (and many sporting teams require mouthguards for kids, anyway). You can buy mouthguards at sporting goods stores or ask your child’s dentist what they recommend.
Have an emergency dentist
If something does happen to your child’s teeth, you want to make sure that you have a dentist who accepts emergency cases. It may also help to know the basics of what to do in case of an emergency – for example, if the tooth is broken, rinse the mouth out and apply pressure to stop any bleeding. If a tooth is knocked out, carefully rinse it with water and place it back into the empty socket. If that isn’t possible, keep the tooth moist. In both cases, your child should see the dentist as soon as possible.
Whether your child needs a checkup or has a dental emergency, you can count on Soft Touch Dentistry, where the staff is dedicated to helping your children have healthy teeth. Call for an appointment today, at either the Brighton office at (617) 782-9250 or the Newton office at (617) 332-8146.