Natural remedies are very popular, and there can be many advantages to choosing products with natural ingredients to stay healthy and beautiful. Charcoal is just one of the latest trends for use as a natural ingredient in face masks, scrubs, and toothpastes – many people use it to remove stains and whiten teeth. Is charcoal toothpaste something you should add to your oral health care routine?
What kind of charcoal is in charcoal toothpaste?
Charcoal that is used in toothpaste and beauty products is not made of the charcoal you think of for use in your barbecue. It is made of activated charcoal, which is a fine powder made from natural substances, including wood and coconut shells.
The pros and cons of charcoal toothpaste
There are a few pros to charcoal toothpaste, but many cons. It may help to remove surface stains on teeth and to prevent staining, and it may even help to improve bad breath.
However, there is no real evidence that it really works to remove stains or whiten teeth, and researchers aren’t exactly sure yet what the long-term effects of using charcoal toothpaste might be. And, because it is abrasive, it may wear down your enamel and make your teeth not only sensitive, but they may look even more stained because dentin, which is yellow, will become exposed. Most brands of charcoal toothpaste also do not have fluoride in them, which helps to protect against tooth decay. Also, researchers are unsure how charcoal toothpaste may affect veneers, bridges, and other restorations.
There are other natural options you can try at home for whiter teeth, such as apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide. However, these may not be as effective as other tooth whitening products, and you should always discuss additions to your oral health care routine with your dentist.
If you are concerned with stains on your teeth, wish they were whiter and brighter, or can’t seem to find a toothpaste that works for you, the staff at Soft Touch Dentistry can help. Contact them for an appointment today – call the Brighton office at (617) 782-9250 or the Newton office at (617) 332-8146!