Why Do We Have a Tongue, Anyway?
The tongue sits quietly in the mouth and doesn’t ask for much, but it is a very important part of our everyday lives. It helps to move food around in the mouth so that we can chew and swallow properly. It helps you to speak clearly and even helps to keep your airway open to help you breathe, and it has thousands of taste buds so that we can enjoy all kinds of food and beverages.
Common Tongue Troubles
Many problems with the tongue will go away on their own or can be treated easily, although there are some problems that need the help of your doctor or dentist. Here are some common issues:
- Difficulty moving your tongue. This can cause problems talking and eating, and it can be caused by nerve damage.
- Burning tongue. This can be caused by a nutritional deficiency (you might be not getting enough vitamin B12 or iron), or it may be because of a condition called “burning mouth syndrome.” This can last for years and can be very painful, and you should see your doctor or dentist for treatment options.
- Canker sores. These small lesions are annoying and painful, but they aren’t harmful and will usually go away on their own.
- Tumor. If you have a sore spot or lump on your tongue that won’t go away and is painful, numb, swollen, and/or bleeding, you should see your doctor right away.
The staff at Soft Touch Dentistry wants to make sure you have a happy and healthy mouth! If you are having any pain, or if it’s just time for a cleaning, contact the Brighton office at (617) 782-9250 or the Newton office at (617) 332-8146 for an appointment.