Dental plaque is one of the leading culprits in causing things such as dental cavities and gum disease. As one of the most harmful threats to your overall oral health, it can still be hard to understand just how harmful it truly is to your teeth and gums. However, by understanding a little more about dental plaque, you can make better decisions in regards to your oral health and needs.
Plaque is made up of bacteria
Plaque is actually made up of bacteria, or multiple bacteria, that then build up on the outside of your teeth and can cause things such as enamel erosion and dental decay. Although not all bacteria that enters your mouth and lands on your teeth are considered to be harmful, there are many forms of bacteria caused by food, dead cells, saliva, and beverages that can form and lead to further dental issues.
You Can Never Fully Get Rid of It
The trickiest thing to understand about dental plaque is that although you can brush your teeth after every meal and continuously drink water, it’s important to know that plaque is something that is constantly forming and that you can never fully get rid of. Why is that exactly? Your saliva contains a substance called glycoproteins which attach themselves to your teeth and form something called dental pellicle. Although dental pellicle isn’t deemed as a threat when it’s on its own, it allows bacteria to latch on your teeth which then slowly grow and spread throughout your mouth.
You Can Fight It
Although you can never fully get rid of the bacteria in your mouth that causes plaque, you can help to protect your teeth against plaque that causes serious problems such as cavities and enamel erosion. In order to help protect your teeth against plaque, make sure that you are participating in the following:
- Brushing and flossing at least twice daily
- Drinking water after every meal (this will help to break down the acids that you eat)
- Visiting Dr. Nazila Bidabadi twice a year for cleanings
If you would like to learn more about dental plaque or if you would like to schedule an appointment to have your teeth cleaned, contact Dr. Nazila Bidabadi at Soft Touch Dentistry today!