If you can’t afford a smile because of some missing teeth, then you’re missing out on a lot. A smile makes a person more attractive and happier at the same time so it is still best not to suppress it. To bring back the joy in you, get dental implants. Implants in Brighton could replace your missing teeth with ones that are artificial yet as natural-looking as they get.
Implants in a nutshell
Dental implants are usually made of titanium material and are placed to replace your missing tooth in a surgery done by an oral surgeon or a dentist. They are screw-like in appearance when placed into one’s jaw bone and are placed with an artificial tooth that imitates the appearance of a natural tooth.
There are different types of implants and the type used depends on the status of one’s teeth.
All-on-four implants
This type of implant is meant to replace a whole arch of teeth. It uses a total of eight posts to replace the upper and lower arches of the mouth. It may seem like using fewer implants would be a better option, but placing all fours means more stable attachment of one’s implants since they support each other’s weight.
Multiple dental implants
This is the ideal type for those patients who are already experiencing a lot of falling teeth as they age. No matter how good one’s dental care is, the strength of our teeth would always deteriorate once aging kicks in. Although it is inevitable, it can be given solution through multiple implants.
Single dental implant
A tooth loss from an accident or a certain dental disease can easily be addressed with a single dental implant. The implant will be inserted into the located where a tooth is missing. An abutment or a post will be placed first before the replacement tooth is attached to it.
Dr. Nazila Bidabadi offers the most natural-looking implants. Book an appointment with her today. Give us a call at 617-782-9250 in our Brighton branch or at 617-332-8146 in Newton.